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Mi Arrivano Troppe Mails!

Aperto da Odino, 3 Maggio 2004, 20:46:12

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salve gente!!
da quando il form ha riaperto mi arriva una mail x ogni topic che viene aperto nel frm. sinceramente nn ho mai capito come disdire sta cosa ma ultimamente ne arrivano veramente troppe e comincio a stancarmene....
come si fa a farle smettere???
[span style='color:red'][span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']Odino random helper[/span][/span]
[img]" width="397" height="300"]

[div style="width: 662; height: 67"]
[strong][font size="3"][font face="Times New Roman"]
[marquee align="middle" width="50%" height="5%" scrollamount="5"][span style='color:purple'][span style='color:yellow']Cloud[/span]: "So we finally meet again......"  [span style='color:yellow']Sephiroth[/span]: "I was searching for you"  [span style='color:yellow']Cloud[/span]: "Although my existance is limited, I can still feel you in the depths of my own nightmare... The darkness that existed in front of my own eyes"  [span style='color:yellow']Sephiroth[/span]: "I was the one who invited you to the darkness"  [span style='color:yellow']Sephiroth[/span]: "Taking away all the Light, realized that there is no path of yours but darkness that awaits for you"[/span][/marquee]


guarda che basta deselezionare la casellina  "Attivare l'email di notifica delle risposte?"

tutto qua...
[img]" border="0" alt="Immagine IPB" /]


[span style='color:red'][span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']Odino random helper[/span][/span]
[img]" width="397" height="300"]

[div style="width: 662; height: 67"]
[strong][font size="3"][font face="Times New Roman"]
[marquee align="middle" width="50%" height="5%" scrollamount="5"][span style='color:purple'][span style='color:yellow']Cloud[/span]: "So we finally meet again......"  [span style='color:yellow']Sephiroth[/span]: "I was searching for you"  [span style='color:yellow']Cloud[/span]: "Although my existance is limited, I can still feel you in the depths of my own nightmare... The darkness that existed in front of my own eyes"  [span style='color:yellow']Sephiroth[/span]: "I was the one who invited you to the darkness"  [span style='color:yellow']Sephiroth[/span]: "Taking away all the Light, realized that there is no path of yours but darkness that awaits for you"[/span][/marquee]

Master Seymour

Opzioni---------->Opzioni E-Mail---------> disattiva la casella "Attivare l'email di notifica delle risposte?"

Power Rangers are back!!!!!!


nn credo che sia quella. nn era selezionata
manderò un mp a roberto
[span style='color:red'][span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']Odino random helper[/span][/span]
[img]" width="397" height="300"]

[div style="width: 662; height: 67"]
[strong][font size="3"][font face="Times New Roman"]
[marquee align="middle" width="50%" height="5%" scrollamount="5"][span style='color:purple'][span style='color:yellow']Cloud[/span]: "So we finally meet again......"  [span style='color:yellow']Sephiroth[/span]: "I was searching for you"  [span style='color:yellow']Cloud[/span]: "Although my existance is limited, I can still feel you in the depths of my own nightmare... The darkness that existed in front of my own eyes"  [span style='color:yellow']Sephiroth[/span]: "I was the one who invited you to the darkness"  [span style='color:yellow']Sephiroth[/span]: "Taking away all the Light, realized that there is no path of yours but darkness that awaits for you"[/span][/marquee]


Allora Odi ^^

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Nessun ideale giustifica una guerra

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